“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.”
Luke 22:31-34
There are times our spiritual journeys are on a quick and easy trail. Other times they are rocky and steep. Still other times, our journeys even seem to backtrack. Jesus knew that Peter's journey was about to take a devastating turn. Yet Jesus prayed for Peter and even had a plan waiting for Peter when he would turn back to the right path.
Our faith is not dependent on our own strength or character. Even the best of us will make mistakes at times. But Jesus knows our weaknesses. He anticipates our spiritual stumbling. He is always on the path beside us, and urging us on. And even when we fail, He points ahead to how we can be redeemed. Peter's denial was not the end of his faith, but only a temporary lapse. His love and his belief in Christ never died, it was just momentarily overshadowed by fear and grief. The Book of Acts attests to Peter's powerful faith and his crucial role in the early days of the church. With the help of Jesus, Peter's story continued.
Our mistakes are never meant to be the end of our stories, either. Every time we stumble, Jesus is holding out His hand to us in grace, with plans for our hope and our future.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You that You always have a future for me. Help me to see that when I stumble, You are holding out Your hand to me in grace. May I keep my eyes and heart ever focused on You! In Your name, Amen.
* This devotion taken from The Sanctuary for Lent 2016 by Sue Mink
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