When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
A few years back I was standing on a street corner talking to a homeless man when a stray dog ran out into the street. Immediately, cars stopped and people coaxed the dog to safety, calming it, and putting it in a car to bring it out of danger. Watching all this, the homeless man commented, "I guess I would get more help it I were a dog."
We often shy away from helping people in need. We may not be hard-hearted, but helping others can be messy and demanding. But that is exactly what Jesus asks of us. When Jesus saw the helpless crowds, He asked that His disciples pray for more compassionate people to serve them. God's answer to this prayer would be God empowering human beings, rather than using miracles or angels to help the helpless.
Thus, as His disciples, we are chosen by God through Jesus Christ as God's workers in the world. Our mission is clear: to care for others in the name of Jesus Christ. We would be called to meet spiritual needs or physical needs. Either way, it's complicated, challenging and often discouraging. But our service to others as Jesus' disciples is the embodiment of Jesus' compassion and the answer to Jesus' prayer.
Prayer: Lord, empower me to be the answer to Your prayer. Enable me to be Your laborer in the harvest. Show me who needs to hear about You. Then grant me the wisdom, love and gentleness to share You with them so that they might know You as You want to be known. Grant me an urgency, knowing that Your return could be any day. In Your name, Jesus, Amen.
*This devotion taken from The Sanctuary for Lent 2016 by Sue Mink
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